Why Revoking Article 50 should be the way forward

VauxhallThis is a fascinating article that emerged through social media over the last few hours which explains why departing from the EU if it is to be effective demands an entirely different approach to the one which our Government has followed over the last three years. It is clear from the calls over the last few days by the Japanese Government and the French owners of Vauxhall that a No Deal Brexit would be deeply threatening to our nation. For the people who want to leave the EU and yet don’t want to trust these statements, there are a great many more identical ones from UK based businesses and indeed most economists make it very clear that if we leave from the EU without a deal it will bring such huge impacts to our economy that it will leave us in a very difficult place. There are of course many other people who will benefit from our departure due to the way they have invested money which will deliver huge returns to them as we leave or as we then make changes to the way our economy works. It is certainly clear that many of these powerful and high profile campaigners along with some others behind the scenes have a vested interest in our departure and it seems vital that our society begins to unpack the way in which the wealthy people who own newspapers, fund political parties, or run major investment and insurance businesses are prevented from using their money or their influence to make us face one way or another. Of course my own view is that we should remain in a reformed EU and I have had this view from before the referendum, although I did argue that we should leave after the vote as I had presumed from the campaign that a plan existed in the Government and once we had voted, we needed to go. However it is clear that even today no clear plan exists which changes my view and that of many other voters from both sides of the referendum. If people believe we should leave and clearly many do, I would argue based on the piece by N Piers Ludlow linked above, that us leaving now is what the rest of the EU would favour. However if we revoke Article 50, we can then return to some level or economic strength over the next few years and during that time, the Governments can work out a way forward that would enable a future Government to return to this approach with a strong and clear plan which could then be voted for again by the people who wish us to leave the EU. 

About ianchisnall

I am passionate about the need for public policies to be made accessible to everyone, especially those who want to improve the wellbeing of their communities. I am particularly interested in issues related to crime and policing as well as health services and strategic planning.
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